
The comparison between "Food For All" and "Second Harvest Japan"

Q1. What are some of the features that the groups have in common or that they have individually ?
A. They both donate food to those who can’t afford money to buy food because of the facts such as poverty or homelessness. Food for All helps homeless people not only by donating food but also supporting to enable the people to have self-confidence and responsibility and find the solution of the problem. Second Harvest Japan supports people suffered from a natural disaster such as an earthquake.

Q2. What are the main activities or events that these groups carry out?
A. Food for All’s activities
Celebs For Camden, Food Bank, Eco Garden
Second harvest Japan’s activities
Harvest Kitchen, Harvest Pantry, lectures or talks about what the group does to develop “food bank” in Japan and to cooperate with other groups.

Q3. From what you saw on their web sites, what surprised or interested you the most?
A. Food for all’s activities of helping homeless people not only to have food but also to have self-confidence is surprising for me and I think it is a great concept.
Q4. How would you be able to offer help to either organisation -- as a volunteer or supporter?
A. ・Go to the place where food is distributing and help supplying.
・Donate money, clothes, or other things I have.

Q5. Which group seems to be more active? Why do you think so?
A. Although each group has a good aspect individually, I think Second harvest Japan appears to do more various activities than Food for all.

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