
Book report3

The second chapter is about "Southern Africa."

 South Africa consists of not only the country of South Africa, but also Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, and Mozambique. In addition to these countries, Madagascar could be included.

 The climate of southern Africa is generally opposite from other regions in Africa since it is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, summer starts around November until April, and winter starts around May until August.

Major foods and ingredients
Beans and greens
Mongo stew
 As well as the other regions in sub-Saharan Africa, various kinds of legumes, such as beans and lentils, are important for meals in southern Africa. Greens are used as relishes with the main starch. Mongo is the name of greens cooked in stew. There are diverse names of greens, such as matapa in Malawi, cacani in Mozambique, and rape in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

 Corn is nowadays used more often than sorghum and millet in southern Africa. Almost half of the arable land in South Africa is planted with maize.
 Corn(or maize) is either yellow or white and is not sweet. Corn is usually eaten boiled or roasted. Maize is usually cooked into porridge or maize-rice. Beer like Zulu's amarhewu  is made from corn.

Southern Africa

1 件のコメント:

  1. I want to eat Mongo stew!
    Your book review is easy to understand because you use some pictures and the map.
