
Book report4

Eastern Africa

Today, I will write the summary of the third chapter of the book, which deals with "eastern Africa."

Eastern Africa is often divided into two parts; Horn of Africa and East Africa. Horn of Africa includes Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda have often considered as East Africa since the 1970s, because these three countries were colonies of Britain, having had common services, such as airlines and railways.

Coffee bean
Major foods and ingredients
Coffee (coffee Arabica)
 Coffee originated in eastern Africa, specifically, Ethiopia. Nowadays, coffee is the most prominent export in the country. Its bean traveled from Ethiopia to Arabia, to Constantinople, to Europe, to England, to South America, and beyond. It came back to east Africa the 1800s, when British people brought it to introduce Brazilian plants on their plantations.

Coffee in Ethiopia

Ensete tree

 Ensete is considered to have originated in the lowland area located between Uganda and Tanzania. It is now grown in the gardens of the western Gurage and others in the southwest of Ethiopia.
 Its stem and leaf are traditionally fermented for weeks of months, then cooked into bread or a porridge.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Coffee in Ethiopia is very popular in the world. I was surprised your coffee beans picture because the color of them is only red.
