
Book report5

Central Africa
I am going to write about the last chapter dealing with central Africa.

Central Africa, which is often called the heart of Africa, consists of the countries of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Angola, Burundi, and Rwanda. Chad can be included in central Africa as well. In central Africa, there are tropical rain forests that account for 8 percent of the continent's surface, and Congo River, the fifth longest river in the world, is located.

Congo river

Major foods and ingredients
 Basically, people in central Africa use almost the same ingredients as people in western and eastern Africa use. Yet, in central Africa, the names of the ingredients or foods are often different from other regions since the names came from French or local names. For example, Poulet Nyembwe is the name of the food that is chicken with palm nut sauce. Nguba means peanut in Kimbundu.
Poulet Nyembwe
 In east-central Africa, sweet potatoes are important in the cuisine. There are various ways to eat them, such as boiled and roasted. Bananas and plantains are eaten as well. As seasonings, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and salt are necessary. 

1 件のコメント:

  1. It's interesting that central Africa used the names came from French or local names.
