
Book report2

Hello everyone!

This time, I'll write the summary of the first chapter of the book.

The first chapter is about "Western Africa", which is consists of 11 countries along the Guinea Coast from Senegal to Nigeria; Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte D'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria. Cape Verde could be included, which is the island located in the west of Senegal.
 Since this book considers western Africa widely, Sahelian and semiarid countries, such as Mali and Chad, are included as well.

The baobab tree
Major foods and ingredients
1. Baobab (Adansonia Digitata)
 The tree of baobab bears scented white flowers and has a gourd-shaped hairy fruit. The low and spreading baobab grows in dry savanna areas and has various ways to use. For example, its leaves are used to make soups and relishes. The ashes from its wood can be used as salt. Its seeds taste like almonds, which can be used as a spice.

2. Cola (Kola Vera)
Cola nuts
 Cola nuts are seed kernels from a cocoa tree in west Africa. They contain much caffeine, thus, they are necessary for lives in Africa. before artificial ones were able to get, cola nuts were often used for flavoring foods or drinks, such as Coca-Cola.

On the next post, I'll write about ""Southern Africa."

Western Africa

1 件のコメント:

  1. I knew baobab tree have cosmetic ingredients, but I don't know it is related to the food.
